Ending your Color Copier Lease

If you are coming to the end of your color copier lease then there are some things to be aware of. Ending a copier lease is not always as straightforward as some people would lead you to believe. As the person in charge of the lease you have responsibilities to fulfill when your lease comes to a close. It’s crucial to understand your role in ending your color copier lease before you get charged later. 

There are a few different things you need to be aware of when ending a copier lease.

  1. Do you have automatic rollover?
  2. Who is shipping your copier?
  3. What are your packing responsibilities?

If you aren’t sure about automatic rollover then you definitely want to check that in your lease. This gives your leasing company the ability to continue your lease unless you otherwise, specifically cancel it. This is crucial or you could end up with additional months you didn’t want on your lease.

When it comes to shipping a copier don’t assume anything. On of the worst mistakes that you can make is to just assume that your leasing company will grab your color copier at the end of your lease. It is usually up to the person who leased the color copier to figure out their own shipping. Starting looking early so you can find a good deal.

Finally, understand your packing responsibilities. You will probably need to packed things like color toner, black and white toner, or paper trays differently than other items. Make sure you know what you are in charge of or you could get fined later on.

Ending your copier lease is all about knowing your responsibilities. Read through your lease and get ahead of these issues before its too late.
